Greedy Doctors
I'm not a big fan of Doctors, sure they are great when you need them and everyone needs them at one time or another, but what I'm talking about here is the ones that take advantage of a persons ignorance.
Lets take cardiologists for instance. I started going to one a few years back for blood pressure, after the second visit I was told I was fine and given a clean bill of health by the Doctor I was also given a prescription for pills and another appointment for a few months later. Upon returning, the Doctor wanted to run a series of tests on me, those tests included running dye through my veins,a cardiogram,a cat scan, and a few other tests. I said you just gave me a clean bill of health, why do you want to run all these tests? oh just to make sure you are alright. I refused the tests and got a different prescription for more pills which by the way made me feel 5 times worse. I was willing to take the pills but not the tests which can by very expensive even with insurance and besides I had a clean bill of health right?
So I kept returning and getting more pills and needless to say the doctor was not very friendly with me. I talked to a friend of mine who also went to the same doctor and he told me that they changed his prescription every time he went even though his blood pressure was fine and after each change they ran the same series of tests over and over, and this guy didn't have any insurance at all. I told him, you're being scammed, all that doctor wants is to line his pockets with your money. Soon after I weened myself off of the pills and quit going.
As you get older your body ages and changes and its not going to be like it was when you were a younger person. You don't know all the goings on, but some doctors will look until they find something they can treat you for just to keep you coming back whether you really need it or not. Nope, I don't trust doctors, I'll go for an anti-biotic or if I feel somethings badly wrong with me I'll let them treat me, but as soon as I know that I'm OK, I won't let them fleece my insurance and my wallet anymore.
Lets take cardiologists for instance. I started going to one a few years back for blood pressure, after the second visit I was told I was fine and given a clean bill of health by the Doctor I was also given a prescription for pills and another appointment for a few months later. Upon returning, the Doctor wanted to run a series of tests on me, those tests included running dye through my veins,a cardiogram,a cat scan, and a few other tests. I said you just gave me a clean bill of health, why do you want to run all these tests? oh just to make sure you are alright. I refused the tests and got a different prescription for more pills which by the way made me feel 5 times worse. I was willing to take the pills but not the tests which can by very expensive even with insurance and besides I had a clean bill of health right?
So I kept returning and getting more pills and needless to say the doctor was not very friendly with me. I talked to a friend of mine who also went to the same doctor and he told me that they changed his prescription every time he went even though his blood pressure was fine and after each change they ran the same series of tests over and over, and this guy didn't have any insurance at all. I told him, you're being scammed, all that doctor wants is to line his pockets with your money. Soon after I weened myself off of the pills and quit going.
As you get older your body ages and changes and its not going to be like it was when you were a younger person. You don't know all the goings on, but some doctors will look until they find something they can treat you for just to keep you coming back whether you really need it or not. Nope, I don't trust doctors, I'll go for an anti-biotic or if I feel somethings badly wrong with me I'll let them treat me, but as soon as I know that I'm OK, I won't let them fleece my insurance and my wallet anymore.