State Of The Nation

Its a sad state of affairs when everything in life starts becoming more expensive. The cost of living keeps going higher and your standard of living sinks ever lower.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What We Take For Granted

With the price of everything going up, most of us are having to cut back on the things we like to have to the things we have to have. Where you used to go to the mall and buy that latest pair of designer pants, instead you go to the department stores and try to find something that looks just as good and hopefully you'll find it on sale. Are you one of those people who enjoy eating out several times a week? You will find yourself saving money by cooking at home, or if you eat at home all the time you'll find yourself eating something made from ground beef instead of that nice rib eye steak. If you are one of those people who have a swimming pool, you'll find that draining it and not using it will save you a pile of money from running the pump 24 hrs a day. Even pets are suffering as more and more people are putting them out or up for adoption as they would rather spend the money on food for themselves than having that extra mouth to feed.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The High Price Of Gasoline

The high price of gasoline is hurting everyone. At four dollars and more a gallon, people are starting to feel the pinch even from just going to the store. But what most folks don't even realize is that gasoline actually runs this economy. How do you think the goods get to the store? They are transported there by truck and trucks use lots and lots of gasoline. Granted most of the big trucks use diesel but that costs even more than gasoline, its all fuel and it all comes from petroleum distillates. The raw materials supplier has to use gasoline to obtain his materials, and then ship the materials to the manufacturer which costs more gasoline. The manufacturer has to run his machinery to make and package the product then ship that to the distribution center which in turn ships it to the various stores. When the price of gasoline goes up, each one of these businesses has to pay more to ship their products resulting in a higher price tag on nearly everything.
This is also the reason the price of food is going up. The Farmer must pay more for gas to run his tractors and fuel the trucks he uses to transport his produce to market. So the next time you go shopping for groceries and that long list has a higher price tag down at the bottom of it, don't blame the grocer, its not his fault.